
Adopted Policy and Procedures

Policy and Procedure 2023-01 Grant Management Policy
Policy and Procedure 2023-02 Disposal of Public Property
Policy and Procedure 2023-03 Privacy Policy
Policy and Procedure 2024-01 Public Works Committee

City Code and Ordinances

2017 Ordinances
2018 Ordinances
2019 Ordinances
2021 Ordinances
2022 Ordinances
2023 Ordinances Passed as of September 12 2023
Woodland Hills City Code
The City Code of Woodland Hills, contains ordinances up to and including ordinance 2022-32. Ordinances of the city adopted after said ordinance supersede the provisions of this city code to the extent that they are in conflict or inconsistent therewith. Consult the city office in order to ascertain whether any particular provision of the code has been amended, superseded, or repealed.
Ordinance 2023-15 Amending City Code 1.3.2 Adding a Definition for Business Days
Ordinance 2023-16 Establishing a 2024 City Council Meeting Schedule
Ordinance 2024-01 Amending City Code Title 9-1-1B
Ordinance 2024-02 Amending City Code 10-2-1
Ordinance 2024-03 Amending City Code 10-4-5
Ordinance 2024-05 Amending City Code 10-9-2
Ordinance 2024-06 Amending City Code 10-9-3
Ordinance 2024-07 Amending City Code 10-11-2A
Ordinance 2024-08 Amending City Code 10-11-2B
Ordinance 2024-09 Moving City Code 10-11-10 to City Code 5-6A-5 creating a letter (N)
Ordinance 2024-10 Change in Zone Classification 121 West Lakeview Way
Ordinance 2024-11 Amending Coty Code 6.1.3 Towing and Impoundment of Vehicles
Ordinance 2024-12 Amending the City Zoning Map
Ordinance 2024-13 Amending City Code 10-11-16 Swimming Pools
Ordinance 2024-14 Request for a Change in Zoning- Denial
Ordinance 2024-16 Amending Woodland Hills City Code 10-11-2 Accessory Buildings
Ordinance 2024-17 Short Term Rentals: TABLED
Ordinance 2024-18 Enacting Compensation Increases
Ordinance 2024-19 Amending City Code 10-2-1 Definition of Accessory Apartments
Ordinance 2024-20 Vacating a Portion of A Street

City General Plan

Woodland Hills General Plan
A general plan is a detailed document that describes what a city expects to become and how best to accomplish its objectives. It considers how the community will be structured, how it will grow, operate and serve its citizens. A general plan is not the law. It is an advisory document that helps provide direction and focus.

City Resolutions

2020 Resolutions
2021 Resolutions
2022 Resolutions
2023 Resolutions Passed as of September 12 2023
Resolution 2023-31 Appointing a Street Superintendent
Resolution 2023-32 August 2023 Check Disbursements
Resolution 2023-33 Appointing a Public Works Dir., Street and Water Superintendent, and Building Official
Resolution 2023-34 Certifying the 2023 Municipal Election Results
Resolution 2023-35 September 2023 Check Disbursements
Resolution 2024-01 Approval of the October 2023 Check Disbursements
Resolution 2024-02 Approval of the November 2023 Check Disbursements
Resolution 2024-03 Appointing a Mayor Pro-Tempore
Resolution 2024-04 Appointing Simon Kirschman as an Alternate on the Planning Commission
Resolution 2024-05 Amending the Consolidated Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-06 Appointing Members to the Public Works Committee
Resolution 2024-07 Appointing Members to Serve on the Finance Committee
Resolution 2024-08 Appointing Individuals to Serve on the Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee
Resolution 2024-09 December 2023 Check Disbursements
Resolution 2024-10 January 2024 Check Disbursements
Resolution 2024-11 Amending the Consolidated Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-12 Appointing a Community Development Committee Chair and Secretary
Resolution 2024-13 Municipal Lease Purchase Agreement
Resolution 2024-14 Appointing a Member to the Community Development Committee
Resolution 2024-15 February 2024 Fund Disbursements
Resolution 2024-16 March 2024 Fund Disbursements
Resolution 2024-17 Appointing PTR Co-Chairs and Secretary
Resolution 2024-18 Appointing a Health and Safety Officer
Resolution 2024-19 Amending the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget
Resolution 2024-20 Approving and Adopting the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget
Resolution 2024-21 Amending the Woodland Hills City Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-22 Adopting a Social Media Policy

Forms and Applications

ADU Application
Appeal Authority Application
Request for a Variance or Appeal
Brush Clearing In-Kind Tracking Hours
Business License Application
Citizen Complaint Form
City Fee Schedule
2024 City Fee Schedule
City Zoning Map
Community Center Rental FAQs and Info
Rules and FAQs for Community Center Rental
Community Center Rental Agreement
Community Center Reservation Form
Emergency Alerts/Notifications
How to get emergency alerts and other notifications from the city.
IRC-IBC Appeal Authority Application
Lot/Parcel Boundary Adjustment or Consolidation
Nuisance Explanation and Procedure
Laurtizen Field Park Pavilion Reservation Form
Please fill out this form and turn in to the city offices and pay applicable fees in order to reserve the pavilion.
Procedure for Filing a Claim and Claim Form
Resident Handbook
Rezone Application
Temporary Occupancy Application Form
Utility Application
Utility Application for New Residents

GRAMA Information

GRAMA Request Form
The Government Records Access and Management Act (“GRAMA”) is a Utah law that provides the public with the right to access certain “records” prepared, maintained or controlled by a government entity. The full text of GRAMA can be found in Title 63G, Chapter 2, of the Utah Code.
Information on GRAMA

No Category

Rendering and Email of 2014 Gate Proposal
Transparency in Woodland Hills
Transparency Report August 12 2021
Transparency Report Regarding gates on Summit Creek Drive


RFP- Strategic and General Plan 2024

Election Information

2023 Declaration of Candidacy Forms
2023 Municipal Candidate Guide
General Election to be held November 21st 2023
How do I Vote
Notice of 2023 Municipal Office
Ranked Choice Voting Video
Voter Registration Information
Where to drop your election ballot
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